Put Oversleeping To Bed!
Really have trouble waking up? Use our piezo electric shock feature that is guaranteed to wake you up or your money back.

Wake Up Refreshed Every Day With Pavlok Sleep Tracking
Learn about your sleep pattern and set your alarm to wake up refreshed at just the right time.
Never Oversleep Again
Never miss your alarm again with the snooze app, an alarm you can’t “snooze” but have to do jumping jacks to deactivate!

Testimonials: Waking Up On-Time
Dave Rogenmoser
I tried a lot of things to form new habits and break old habits. When I got Pavlok, I was really impressed with the quality. I started using the little alarm system that helps to wake you up. After doing that for 30 days I woke up more consistently than I ever have in my life. Love it.
Rachman Blake
I just hit the Pavlok, which will shock me […] that will help wake me up for one, and two – it creates a negative association with hitting snooze button. […] Instead of hitting the sleep more – get fired – waste your life button, I hit the Pavlok.
Out With the Old… Habits
Ever get sick on bad food, or by having too much to drink, only to swear it off in the future? That’s an “aversion”. Pavlok 2 helps you create aversions to break your bad habits.

Become Shockingly Aware
Zap yourself to reduce cravings in the moment. Set up automatic triggers (like hand detect, time, location) to keep you aware.
Change Your Habit Simply, Easily, And Quickly With Our 5-Day Habit Course
Pavlok CEO, Maneesh Sethi, will take you step-by-step through the process of successfully breaking bad habits… for good!

Testimonials: Breaking Bad Habits
I didn’t want to shock myself so I wouldn’t eat the food in the first place. [So now…] I haven’t had any refined sugar, which is awesome…I feel like I’m back in control of my relationship with food. I feel like I have a much healthier relationship with food.
Before I started using Pavlok, I was smoking about 18 cigarettes a day. With Pavlok, I’ve [in first week] been averaging about 7 a day. [… Week four] is my first week not smoking at all… whenever I drive by a gas station and think, ‘Maybe I’ll get a pack’, I just shock myself.
…In With the New
Using community, technology, and psychology you can get on a path to creating a lifetime of good habits.

A Community You Can Depend On
Surround yourself with 1000’s of people who have already succeeded at doing exactly what you desire.
Get Rewarded With Volts
Get rewarded for good behavior and unlock more features and new courses with our in-app currency, Volts!

Integrate Your Goals
Pavlok 2 integrates with your life and tech. Whether its a mobile app, or through IFTTT, you can integrate your Pavlok 2 to keep yourself on track to achieve your goals!
Purchase Pavlok Products with Confidence
Our products have been engineered by some of the best minds in hardware dev and behavior research with awards to boot. Pavlok also has a track record of delivering on promises, with over $750,000 raised on Indiegogo. And oh yeah, a 6 month money back guarantee. So what are you waiting for?