Break Bad Habits  8hours

Quickly learn, through proven methods and aversion therapy how to break your bad habits once and for. Whether you want to quit smoking, quit snacking all day, or stop complaining and thinking negative thoughts, the Pavlok method will work for you.

Chapter 1 : An Introduction to the Basics

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Lauren Kesseler (Doyle)

Head Coach

Lauren has been a consultant and coach for small businesses and entrepreneurs for close to 13 years. Her background as a shareholder and sales executive in a small start-up Medical Device company, BioForm Medical Inc., gave her a unique background in high-competition, high-dollar sales, marketing, and building a small company into a publicly-traded superpower. Later, she became a professional athlete in the Equestrian industry, working with horses and people where she learned performance psychology and breaking and building habits. In 2018 she partnered with Pavlok to develop the Pavlok Productive Entrepreneur Coaching Program and Pavlok Group Coaching Program-- blending experience, intuition, psychology, Microhabit methodology, and the Pavlok device to create the most unique productivity and habit coaching experience available today.

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Habits, Technology & Behavioral Change