Do you often start things, excited about whats ahead, only to find yourself a short time later onto something else without ever finishing the last thing? The Stay Committed habit track will teach you the principles behind committing to something and sticking it out until the end. Learn to finish what you start and you’ll see some of the biggest change you have ever experienced in your life!
This section of the habit track will lay the foundation to help you better understand how habits work, how they are formed, and what reinforces them. With this knowledge you can go on to the other parts of this track and understand why we assign exactly what we do and how it will help you achieve your goal of staying committed.
One of the easiest, and most effective ways to create HUGE change in your life is by leveraging micro-habits, small but powerful actions that stack to create larger change. In this section we will discuss micro-habits, how to use them, and give you the tools to get started right away.
Classical conditioning is MORE than just high school science — it’s also the MOST PERMANENT and MOST EFFECTIVE way to BREAK bad habits.
One of the most effective ways to build good habits, or break bad ones, is to leverage the power of accountability. If a “magic pill” for habit change exists, accountability would be as close as it gets.
In this lesson, we’ll share how you can use each of the Pavlok hardware and app’s features to improve your chances of success.
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Habits, Technology & Behavioral Change