Pavlok waves you effortlessly, keep you focused throughthe day, and he’s you break bad habits in your life.
Think back over the last hour. Can you remember everything you’ve done, minute by minute?
No, right? That’s because over half of our day is spent in autopilot. For many of us, autopilot equals procrastination, cravings, and stress.
But what if you could change that? What if your subconscious automatically chose good habits instead of bad ones?
Pavlok 3 keeps you mindful, aware of your behavior,
and helps you make good choices to reduce stress and become healthier
Pavlok 3 helps you get to bed, keep track of your sleep patterns,
and wake up feeling refreshed without hitting
Pavlok 3 assists you to ditch bad habits and replace
them with good ones, becoming more focused and productive in
the process
Duis mauris augue, efficitur eu arcu sit amet, posuere dignissim neque.
Aenean enim sem, pharetra et magna.
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Duis mauris augue, efficitur eu arcu sit amet, posuere dignissim neque. Aenean enim sem,
pharetra et magna.
Habits, Technology & Behavioral Change